John Smith

Asintha Bhanu Jayasinghe

  • "Vijaya",Panapitiya,Waskaduwa
  • +9477 2716 008


I’m currently a Software Engineering undergraduate(2nd year) at IIT Sri lanka, Seeking an organization where I can enhance my knowledge and give my best back to the organization.


Jan 2001 - Dec 2013

Kalutara Vidyalaya National School, Kalutara
Done A/Ls in Maths Stream

Sep 2015 onawards

Informatic Institute of Technology, Sri Lanka, afflicted with University of Westminster, UK.
Bachelor of Engineering in Software Engineering (BEng (Hons))



  • Java,JavaFX
  • PHP
  • JavaScript
  • Angular2(Basic)
  • TypeScript(Basic)

Knowledge In

Object Oriented Concepts

Designing - UML

Database - MySQL, Oracle, AZURE

Play Framework

Version Control

Leadership Skills

Senior Prefect at Kalutara Vidyalaya National school.

Student Manager at HNB Student branch Kalutara vidyalaya.

Member of IEEE(2016 present).

Transferable Skills

  • Teamwork
  • Self-Learning
  • Motivation
  • Good knowledge in English
  • Can understand Tamil



Problem-Because of the bad maintenance of the water management systems specially in India and Sri Lanka, the water that a person consuming sometimes might be contaminated and sometimes can be deadly harmful. If a consumer could identify when the water becomes polluted than the consumption level he will be able to go to an alternative source until the problem is fixed.


Solution-A real time water quality monitoring system that can alert the user if the waterline he uses get contaminated and that system will be able to alter that water line to another tank which the he can use it for another purpose depending on the contamination level. (selected to final 8 at the IIT hack conducted by Dialog Ideamart)

Examination Results(IIT)

1st Year

Module Name Code Lev Credit Core Session Period Slot Attmpt Status Mark
Communication and Learning Skills in Computer Science (IIT Sri Lanka) ECSI400 4 15 C 2015/6 SEM1 001 1 Passed 64
Computer Systems Fundamentals (Sri Lanka) ECSI404 4 15 C 2015/6 SEM1 001 1 Passed 54
Software Development Principles II (IIT Sri Lanka) ECSI405 4 15 C 2015/6 SEM2 001 1 Passed 69
Web Technology (IIT Sri Lanka) ECSI407 4 15 C 2015/6 SEM2 001 1 Passed 67
Mathematics for Computing (IIT Sri Lanka) ECSI408 4 15 C 2015/6 SEM2 001 1 Passed 74
Software Development Principles I (IIT Sri Lanka) ECSI410 4 30 C 2015/6 SEM1 001 1 Passed 58
Information Systems (IIT Sri Lanka) ECSI411 4 15 C 2015/6 SEM2 001 1 Passed 63

2nd Year

Results Pending..